Federal Management Systems responds to News Source Story using Company Images in Error

Federal Management Systems (FMS) Guyana

Following a News Source Evening Bulletin on August 18, Federal Management Systems (FMS) responded through their local attorney to the use of images of FMS’s facilities in an article detailing the plight of Security workers who were not being paid on time. 

The News Source story was about security companies based in Guyana that are accused of paying their staff sometimes two months late. FMS was not named in the story, and through their attorney refuted any such practices. However, at least two of the images accompanying the story were those of FMS operations in Guyana. FMS maintains that the use of images of their company provides an unspoken but noticeable association with the subject of the story and accordingly, FMS is looking for a partial retraction. FMS noted that such Association could have a negative effect on the ability to conduct business and subsequently could endanger their ability to maintain their workforce in Guyana. 

The letter from the FMS’ attorney states:
“The impression the story created is untrue and defamatory. My client prides itself on fair dealing with staff and has never been accused of late payment of guards or other forms of mistreatment. In over 25 years in business, my client has never paid a guard late, delayed, or failed to pay its National Insurance contributions or deductions or PAYE deductions. This is unique in the industry and it is unfair to FMS to be the face of the negative side of the business. 

My client is presently negotiating and renegotiating contracts with diplomatic agencies and other organizations. Several of its customers make decisions based on the reputation of its contractors. These contracts are valued over $200,000,000 per annum and the loss of them will cause over 150 guards to lose their jobs.”

FMS has been in business in Guyana for over 25 years, making significant contributions both in Guyana and in the USA to Guyanese causes. It has prided itself in supporting the upward mobility of the staff and their families, and in being one of the first private companies to provide transportation for their employees to their places of employment.

Federal Management Systems via their attorney requested that News Source “publish with equal prominence” on their “Facebook page, a partial retraction and clarification which includes the following words: On Tuesday, 18th August 2020, News Source reported that the Minister of Labour was inquiring into security companies which do not pay guards on time. The image of Federal Management Services’ offices was used. This is regretted and we apologize to Federal Management Services for the implication that it either pays its guards late or is known to be the specific subject of any inquiry by the Ministry of Labour.“ 

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