Distinguished Guyanese

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham - By Minette Bacchus

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham
February, a month to reflect on his legacy and Guyana’s republican status.

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham (LFSB) was born on 20th February 1923. He rose through the rank of Queen’s College scholar, lawyer, Senior Council, Mayor of Georgetown, President General of the Guyana Labour Union, a founding leader of the PPP, Founder-Leader of the PNC, member of the National Assembly, Premier, Prime Minister and to Guyana’s first President with Executive responsibility. Much has been said and will continue to be said of this son of the soil. A complex figure and personality, simultaneously vilified and loved, he will continue to be a subject of intense debates, analyses and reviews throughout the ages. Whether it was fate, intent or accident his politics will to continue rivet this nation because he has laid a foundation that cannot be uprooted, don’t matter how hard some may try.

Sir Lionel Alfred Luckhoo

Sir Lionel Alfred Luckhoo
Sir Lionel Alfred Luckhoo KCMG, CBE, Q.C. was born on March 2, 1914 in New Amsterdam, Guyana. He was educated at Queen's College, Georgetown, Guyana and then began studying medicine at St. Thomas' Hospital in England but then quickly switched careers to legal studies.

Hon. Desmond Hoyte: March 9, 1929 – December 22, 2002

Hon. Desmond Hoyte

Hugh Desmond Hoyte, President August 1985 - October 1992, was born in Georgetown, Guyana in March 1929. Mr. Hoyte received the B.A. and LL.B. degrees from the University of London.

Sir Wilson Harris, author of "Palace of the Peacock", among many others

Sir Wilson Harris

Theodore Wilson Harris was born March 24, 1921 in New Amsterdam, Guyana. He studied at Queen’s College then became a government surveyor after his studies and then taking up a career as lecturer and writer. The knowledge of the savannas and rain forests he gained during his time as a surveyor has formed the setting for many of his books, with the Guyanese landscape dominating his fiction.

Hon. Arthur Chung: January 10, 1918 – June 23, 2008

Arthur Chung

Arthur Chung was born at Windsor Forest, West Coast Demerara, Guyana. He was educated at Windsor Forest, Blankenburg and Modern High School. Before civic service Chung was an apprentice surveyor and sworn land surveyor. In the early 1940s Chung entered the Middle Temple of London, England and qualified as a barrister in 1947.

Sir John Carter: January 27, 1919 - February 23, 2005

Sir John Carter

John Carter was born on 27 January 1919 in Cane Grove Village on the East Coast of Demerara, Guyana (then British Guiana). He was a graduate of Queens College, Guyana and University of London where he achieved a BA and LLB. He was called to the Bar (Middle Temple) in 1942.

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham: February 20, 1923 – August 6, 1985

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, was born in Kitty, a suburb of Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana.on February 20,1923 He was one of three children. He attended Central High School and the country's prestigious and elite Queen's College exclusively for boys at that time.

Sir Harold Bollers: February 5, 1915 - December 26, 2006

Harold Brodie Smith Bollers was born in Georgetown, Guyana on February 05, 1915. He was a graduate of Queen College, Guyana and Kings College, University of London where he read law. He was appointed Chief Justice of Guyana and served from 1966 to 1980.

His honors include Knight Bachelor (Kt Bach) in 1969, the Cacique Crown of Honour (CCH) in 1982, and the Order of Roraima (OR) in 1991.

Baroness Amos

Valerie Ann Amos

Valerie Ann Amos, first black woman cabinet minister and joint first black woman peer and recently appointed Leader of the House of Lords, the third woman in history to lead the upper house of Parliament.

Dr. Cheddie Jagan: March 22, 1918 - March 06, 1997

Dr. Cheddie Jagan

Dr Cheddie Jagan, President 1992 - March 06, 1997 – Cheddi Bharat Jagan was born on March 22, 1918 on the sugar plantation of Port Mourant, Berbice, in British Guiana where his father was as a foreman of a work crew.

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