Guyanese United co-sponsored Christmas party for the kids in the Festival City neighborhood

Children of Festival City neighborhood with Dennis Atwell of Guyanese United and MP Amanza Walton-Desir
Children of Festival City neighborhood

Guyanese United co-sponsored a Christmas party for the kids in the Festival City neighborhood on December 11, 2022,  at the local community center.

Guyanese United extends its sincere thanks to China Trading of 32 Robb Street, and Ms. Coteshia Alphonso, Delivery Manager, for their support. I reached out to Ms. Alphonso who immediately sprang into action and offered a substantial discount on the toys purchased for distribution at the event.

More than 80  children were presented with toys and enjoyed snacks and beverages and were treated to Christmas messages from individuals, including Dennis Atwell of Guyanese United (Guyana), member of Parliament, Amanza Walton-Desir, and others.

Guyanese United actively works to support Guyanese in need and plans to establish a footprint in Guyana to work with the government, and both domestic and international entities to educate and empower our citizens to take control of their future.


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