Two persons injured in auto accident on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway

Car Crash
An early Sunday morning accident on the Linden Soesdyke highway injured two persons and badly damaged their car. Delnay Denhart who is a part-time reporter with Hits and Jams Television (HJTV) and his girlfriend were returning from the Linden Town Week’s All Black Party around 2:30 AM when the accident occurred. They are patients at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where doctors have listed their conditions as stable. Francis, who is a model, sustained a broken leg and an unspecified neck injury, and Denhart, who works full-time with Ashmin's Trading, received serious injuries to his hip and a knee The grey Premio outside the Ruimveldt Police Station. Meanwhile on Sunday afternoon in another accident ‎five occupants of a house at Agricola, East Bank Demerara were Sunday afternoon counting their lucky stars after a car careened off the public road and damaged the steps of the wooden structure. Amanda Wren-Reid told reporters that she was at home with her family when she called a six-year old girl who was on the 'landing' to go inside and moments later she heard a loud noise and the house shook. She said when she looked outside, she saw a car at the foot of her steps and saw a female occupant exiting the vehicle. A car broke through a fence on the Agricola Public Road and slammed into a house, slightly damaging the wooden structure. Wren-Reid and her four children live at the house located on 47 Agricola Public Road. She wants to know who will compensate her for the damage caused to her front stairs. The male occupant of the Honda car, PNN 8738, said they had just pulled off after inflating a tyre at a location two doors away from the damaged house when they noticed that vehicular traffic was backing up in one lane. They said that they used the car indicator to signal that were about to go into the next lane and pulled off quickly. Their car hit a taxi before swerving, breaking through a fence and hitting the stairs.

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