
Message to Guyanese, Vote like your life depends on it, because it does

Ballot Box Guyana

Fellow Guyanese, we have reached that time once again where we have the opportunity to exercise the right to vote on March 2, 2020

Over the centuries, our right of self-determination by the ballot box has been fought for by those whose shoulders we stand upon. The sacrifices made by the generations before us must not be in vain, because the successful future of our children depends on us voting now.

Guyana has seen a transformation during the last 50 years, from the riots of the early 60s through economic hardships, then extrajudicial killings, drug transshipment, and money laundering, to a country with a growing social and economic stability and a significant favorable rise in our standing in the corruption perception index in the Transparency International’s (TI) Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2019. 

Those who we elect in the March 2, 2020 election will be the stewards of our economic progress, our security, government, and cultural progress, therefore we must choose wisely. For sustained progress and growth, the revenue from our new found oil must be managed judiciously so that the prospects for all Guyanese will be significantly enhanced and there will be a continuance of the real progress that we have begun to see.

There are people who say “Why vote, it doesn’t make a difference” or “No one cares about my vote so why bother”. To those people we would say this; every single vote does count, it allows for you to be a part of the determination of your future and the future of your children. We are able to go to the polls and vote for the candidate(s) we believe will advance policies that will benefit us all. You will not find the perfect candidate but should choose one based on “past performance”. 

  • Someone who has demonstrated they can muster the necessary resources to combat crime within the confines of the law.
  • Someone who has demonstrated that they have been good stewards of our financial, human and natural resources.
  • Someone who has demonstrated that they have placed education as a top priority in their administration and made accessible to more of the citizenry.
  • Someone who has demonstrated that they are concerned about our elderly population.
  • Someone who has demonstrated real stewardship of our national infrastructure.
  • Someone who has demonstrated that they can build international relationships with other democratic societies for mutual benefits.
  • Someone who has demonstrated that they have the confidence of multi-national corporations to invest in Guyana.

We urge all to vote as though their lives depend on it because it simply does. We must continue to look forward and upward towards a future that is focused on the vision of “One People, One Nation, One Destiny.”


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