Guyanese Authors

Helena DaSilva Martin - Author of "Walk Wit' Me, All Ova Guyana"

"Walk Wit' Me,  All Ova Guyana" by Helena DaSilva Martin

Helena Dasliva was born in in Georgetown Guyana. her family moved many times over the years, from Georgetown to Pomeroon and then to the Rupununi open savannah next to the Amazon rainforest. They settled there twelve miles from Lethem in a remote village called Moco-Moco where there was no school and life proved difficult.

Mark Archer, author of "Where Do Broken Hearts Go"

Mark Archer

Mark Archer is a Guyanese novelist and is President of Archer Holdings, a Real Estate investment company in Atlanta, Georgia. He resides in Stone Mountain, Georgia with his wife and four children.

About the book

David Dabydeen, Critic, Writer and Novelist

David Dabydeen

David Dabydeen - Critic, writer and novelist David Dabydeen was born in 1955 in Berbice, Guyana, moving to England with his parents in 1969. He read English at Cambridge University, gained a doctorate at University College London in 1982, and was awarded a research fellowship at Wolfson College, Oxford.

Brenda Chester DoHarris, author of "The Coloured Girl In The Ring"

Brenda Chester DoHarris

Brenda Chester DoHarris Brenda Chester DoHarris is a Guyanese-born writer now living and lecturing in the USA. She is a professor of English at Bowie State University in Bowie, Maryland, and a graduate of Columbia University and Howard University where she received a Ph.D. in English.

Melitta Jass, American-Guyanese author of "Tomorrow's People"

Melitta Jass

Melitta Jass is the author of “Tomorrow's People" a Womb to the Tomb Common Sense book of self-improvement. It is full of wisdom and practical common sense that will change your thinking and life forever. Written by Melitta Jass, also known as Jass by most of her Guyanese friends. Jass is the second child of Johnny and Ramdai Persuad.

Ivan Van-Sertima - Anthropologist, linguist, educator and author

Ivan Gladstone Van-Sertima

Ivan Gladstone Van-Sertima - (26 January 1935 - 25 May 2009) was an associate professor of Africana Studies at Rutgers University in the United States.

Godfrey Chin - Social History Icon and Culture Enthusiast


Godfrey Chin - Guyanese social history icon and culture enthusiast Godfrey Chin has passed away. He was 74.

Chin was found this morning lifeless on the floor of his Kitty residence.

The divorced father of three sons–two of whom live in the US, while the third is serving in Afghanistan– was said to be suffering from the flu last week. A relative said he last spoke to him on Saturday.

Dr. Cheddie Jagan: March 22, 1918 - March 06, 1997

Dr. Cheddie Jagan

Dr Cheddie Jagan, President 1992 - March 06, 1997 – Cheddi Bharat Jagan was born on March 22, 1918 on the sugar plantation of Port Mourant, Berbice, in British Guiana where his father was as a foreman of a work crew.

Denis J. I. Williams: 1923-1998 - Painter, Author & Archaeologist - by Betty J. Meggers

Dennis Williams with Ms. Lynette Dolphin in Glasses

The unanticipated death of Denis Williams after a short bout with cancer deprived Guyana of a remarkably versatile native son.

His early promise as a painter won him a two-year British Council scholarship to the Camberwell School of Art in London in 1946. He remained in London during the following decade, during which he taught fine art and held several one-man shows of his work.

Grace Nichols - Journalist, Novelist & Teacher

Grace Nichols

Grace Nichols - Grace Nichols was born in Georgetown, Guyana, in 1950 and grew up in a small country village on the Guyanese coast. She moved to the city with her family when she was eight, an experience central to her first novel, Whole of a Morning Sky (1986), set in 1960s Guyana in the middle of the country's struggle for independence.

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