Terry J. Logan, Author, Scientist, Entrepreneur

Roraima Gold by Terry Logan
Terry J. Logan, Author, Scientist, Entrepreneur

Terry J. Logan was born in 1943 in Georgetown, British Guiana (now Guyana). He spent his first seven years in Kwakwani, an American owned bauxite mine. He moved to Georgetown to live with his mother and grandmother in his grandmother's hotel, the Park.

He attended St. Stanislaus and in 1963 moved to California to attend college. He completed his master's and Ph.D degrees at the Ohio State University. Following graduation, he had a long and successful career at Ohio State as research professor in environmental science. He spent five years following retirement in the private sector as CEO of a small technology company.

Today, he and his wife live in Sarasota, Florida where he writes novels.
Two are set in the Guyanese jungles he knew as a youngster, "The Dark Stone" and "Roraima Gold". Both are available from Amazon as ebooks along with his other three novels.

Roraima Gold - Amazon.com
Dark Stone - Amazon.com
Bitter Spring - Amazon.com

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