Foreign Minister Meets with US Deputy Secretary of State

Hon. Carl B. Greenidge, Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs

On Wednesday, January 23, 2019, the Honourable Carl B. Greenidge, Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guyana met with the Honourable John J. Sullivan, Deputy Secretary of State of the United States of America, in Washington D.C.

The Foreign Minister and Deputy Secretary of State committed to strengthening further the US-Guyana bilateral relationship and to explore areas for deeper cooperation, with particular regard to the energy, security and development sectors.

They also discussed emergency response mechanisms in the event of natural disasters and cooperation on maritime research. The Deputy Secretary of State reaffirmed US support for Guyana's sovereignty and territorial integrity, including sovereign rights in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), in light of Venezuela's recent interception of an ExxonMobil contracted vessel conducting seismic surveys in Guyana's maritime space.

The Foreign Minister and the Deputy Secretary also discussed preparations for national elections in Guyana. 

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