Venezuela's stance regarding Guyana worries political science academy

Venezuela's failure to act might entail “negative consequences under international law” (File photo)El Universal - Wednesday October 02, 2013  03:02 PM - The Venezuelan National Academy of Political and Social Sciences termed "unexplainable" Venezuela's Government silence concerning the decision made by Guyana's authorities of authorizing oil drilling in front of the Venezuelan coast in Delta Amacuro state. They warned that such stance might entail "negative consequences under international law.


"Guyana's Government, heir of the English imperialist outrages against Venezuela, has proceeded in an utter negative way throughout the stages provided in the Geneva Agreement to reach a satisfactory and practical solution of the controversy. Moreover, it has crossed all the boundaries of tolerance and good will by granting concessions to third parties in Venezuela's Atlantic front, which is under Venezuela's absolute jurisdiction," the institution remarked on a statement.

Criticism of Venezuela's withdrawal from the IACHR Court

In another document disclosed on Tuesday, the National Academy of Political and Social Sciences also rejected the Venezuelan Government's decision of denouncing the American Convention on Human Rights, thus withdrawing from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR Court). According to scholars, it is "in breach of the Constitution



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