Guyana-Aspirations For Real Change-Conference Highlights

 Paul Tennassee and Floyd Haynes thanking everyone for attending and contributing to the success of the conference

The Guyana Conference:Aspirations for Real Change - 2016 and Beyond" took place on April 8, 2016 at the Student Center at the University of the District of Columbia (UDC) and was a resounding success! Thank you to those who participated in a day of spirited discussions. Your thoughtful comments, questions and recommendations have created a blueprint for on-going collaboration between Guyanese in the diaspora and at home.

The conference organizers will take a few weeks to sift the notes and recordings to identify concrete actions we can collectively take to foster real change. We would like as much input from you as possible. Please share your thoughts and recommendations for action by clicking on the link below. No idea is too could make the world of difference to Guyana!

 Click here to send us your ideas about actions that can be taken to effect positive change:

Highlights of the Day
The conference opening was moderated by Paul Tennassee conference Co-chair/Adjunct Professor UDC. Dr. April Massey, Dean of Arts and Sciences UDC warmly welcomed the group to the beautiful new Student Center, Co-Chair/Adjunct Professor UDC Floyd Haynes framed the issues of the day and H.E. Bayney Karran Ambassador of Guyana to the United States issued a moving call to action for Guyanese to come together in a renewed spirit of patriotism to work together for the cohesion of our nation. Mr. Charles Willoughby, Inspector General, District of Columbia was the luncheon speaker and shared best practices from his career in confronting corruption.

Session 1: Governance, Transparency and Accountability: Moderator: Floyd Haynes. Contributors: Tarron Khemraj, Errol Arthur & Mike Singh

  • The challenges: Panelists highlighted the negative impact of  Weak governance, lack of transparency and accountability on development.
  • The solutions: Many recommendations for change were offered. Among them, the need for constitutional reform, stronger public private and Civil Society partnerships and a focus on leadership and management skills.

Session 2: National Identity: Moderator: Paul Nehru Tennassee. Contributors: Marylene Nayaran David Hinds (Edward Green was unavoidably called overseas)

  • The challenges: Identity and race have been intrinsically linked. We need to celebrate the differences of our six Peoples and recognize ourselves as a multi-ethnic society. We need to build a national identity based on shared values that supersede race.
  • The solutions: We are a young country. We need to develop processes in the diaspora and in Guyana of self-reflection to confront our biases and much more dialogue between all people and institutions to help us coalesce around the shared experiences of slavery, colonialism and our strengths as a people.

Session 3: The Role of the Diaspora: Moderator Marcia Johnson-Blanco: Contributors: Sase Singh, Desmond Roberts and Rohan Lachman

  • The challenges: Bridging the divide between the desire of the diaspora to contribute their skills, ideas and dollars to their home country against the real needs of the country and the critique and concerns of Guyanese at home that the diaspora don't have a deep understanding of the country and may be siphoning off jobs and other opportunities from those who stayed in the country. This challenge is exacerbated by the lack of an enabling environment in the form of supportive government policies and programs.
  • The solutions: The diaspora should take the lead in creating institutions to lead the way including: the development of a think tank; creating an online "Diaspora university"; ensuring better coordination of diaspora organizations and associations and link them to local expertise and knowledge.

Conference participants ended the day by celebrating and toasting Guyana at an evening reception.

Thank you again for your participating. Thanks to our volunteers and to our sponsors: Haynes Inc. and The Humanities Council of Washington DC.

Best Regards
Melanie Smith, Conference Managing Director

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