A message to all Secondary School Entrance Examination (SSEE) Students - Alliance For Change (AFC) Press Release

Alliance For Change

The Alliance For Change wishes all pupils writing the Secondary School Entrance Examination (SSEE), the very best and great success!

Your teachers and parents or guardians would have been working hard with you to help you prepare for the exams. Those of you with older brothers and sisters would have also received help and coaching from them. All of this was to ensure you are ready and fully prepared.

Many of you already dream of the secondary school you hope to get when the results of these exams are out and we hope your dreams are fulfilled. To dream is good. Dreams inspire success. They fuel ambition.

We of the Alliance For Change encourage all children to dream of success. But, remember, that dreaming alone is not enough. You must also work hard.

As you head into the exams, remember that in the not too distant future, you will be the leaders of our beautiful country. At the Alliance For Change we believe that you will make fine leaders and do this country, your family and yourself proud.

All the best from the Alliance For Change and God Bless!

March 22, 2013.

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