President Commits to Setting up “Reading Room” in Albouystown

Leanna McKenzie, Vaneicia Henry and their parents Geoffrey Robert and Vanessa Henry meeting with President Granger

Georgetown, Guyana – (August 10, 2015) - After a brief meeting with two sisters, ages 9 and 11 who reside at Barr Street Albouystown, President David Granger has committed to setting up a “reading room” in that area.

Earlier today President Granger took time out from his hectic schedule to meet the two sisters Leanna McKenzie 11 and Vaneicia Henry 9, along with their parents after they had written a letter requesting the meeting.

During their brief conversation with the President Granger, both girls spoke of their keen interest in reading as they are both members of the National Library. Encouraged by their interest, the President made a commitment that a “reading room” will be set up in their community. President Granger also assured the sisters that his office will ensure that the all the necessary reading materials are made available for the setting up of the reading room. In addition, a team is expected to visit the area soon to identify a suitable site for the reading room.

Having written a number of publications himself, the President also presented the young girls with some of his own work as he encouraged them to continue along the line of widening their scope by reading. Both young ladies were elated to meet with the President and were promised an invitation to his home at a later date as they were both eager to know what is it like to be a country’s president.

A few weeks ago the two sisters; one of whom is just completed Stella Maris Primary and is moving onto St Mary’s High School, and the other a Grade 5 student, penned a letter to President Granger requesting a meeting with him. To their surprise, their request was granted and the sisters were not prepared to let the opportunity pass them by. 

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