The U.S Embassy’s Public Affairs Section establishes a Youth Action Network (YAN) in Guyana

Youth Action Network (YAN) participants
Youth Action Network (YAN) participants
Youth Action Network (YAN) participants
Youth Action Network (YAN) participants

The U.S Embassy’s Public Affairs Section has established a Youth Action Network (YAN), bringing together approximately 50 young Guyanese leaders from around the country. The Embassy’s Youth Action Network was officially launched July 20 through its first event – a Conference on Service and Leadership under the theme: “Ready to Serve, Ready to Lead.”

This is the first of many opportunities for Guyanese YouthAction Network Members to participate in networking and training to enhance their leadership skills, professionalism, and implementation of community service and development activities. The Network also serves to facilitate the Embassy’s interaction with young Guyanese leaders, so Embassy officers can better understand the unique perspective of Guyana’s young people and discuss ways to address the needs and challenges they face.

The July 20 Youth Action Network Conference offered training sessions for youth leaders on public speaking, organization and life skills, creativity, community resource mapping, and project management.

On July 27, the group will reconvene for a day of service, where members will team up with visiting U.S. military cadets to take part in community service activities in Linden. The youths selected to participate in the Youth Action Network are exceptionally motivated, and many of them have already demonstrated their passion to give back to society through distinct youth outreach activities.

Some of the organizations represented at the Youth Action Network Conference include the Embassy’s Youth Ambassadors Program (YAP), Youths for Guyana, Youth Media Guyana, and the One World Youth Project.

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