The views expressed are entirely the opinion of the writer

Bhoodhoo’s Housing Scheme Blankenburg West Coast Demerara

Bhoodhoo’s Housing Scheme, Blankenburg West Coast Demerara
Bhoodhoo’s Housing Scheme, Blankenburg West Coast Demerara

I am writing this article because it has come to my attention that the residents of the Bhoodhoo’s Housing Scheme Blankenburg West Coast Demerara are facing a very stressful and depressing situation with the poor roads in their neighborhood.

The constant rainfall and truck driving is making the road deteriorate and get worse causing the elderly people to fall and have unexpected incidents.

The drainage is poor. And Bhoodhoo is not doing anything about it to help the people. The septic tanks are starting to smell and mosquitoes are harboring due to the heavy rainfall. Something needs to be done as soon as possible. It is not fair that people bought fancy expensive houses spending their last dollar and they cannot live and enjoy the neighborhood.

My neighbor has small children and they cannot even play in the yard due to the numerous potholes and flooding. The roads need serious fixing up. Please help this situation. Thank you.

Residents of Bhoodhoo’s Housing Scheme
Blankenburg West Coast Demerara

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