The views expressed are entirely the opinion of the writer

Another Rigged Amerindian Village Captain Election at Capoey Lake

In Guyana, the word ‘’village captain elections’’ has become synonymous with fraud.Nowhere in the Amerindian communities and villages,not even among the most fanatic of supporters of the now elected captain of Capoey,can anyone be found who will declare unequivocally that the 28th July,2015 election were free or that the results represent the will of the people.The first election was held on 21st July,2015 between Melrose Henry and Ester Rodrigues after a list of 292  eligible voters  was compiled and posted at the place of poll,according to the Amerindian Act of 2006,which ought to be followed by the returning officer.

When polling day dawned on the 21st July,2015,194 voters turned up to cast their votes for their respective candidate,98 voters abstained from voting for some reason or the other,at the close of poll the returning officer and staffs began the  tallying of votes cast.Each of the two  contestant got 97 votes and the election was declared a tie,according to the 2006 Amerindian Act,whenever,there is a tie vote another election will have to be reconvene within 7 days.The next election was set for the 28th of July,2015,at the same venue by the returning officer.

On the morning of voting 7 new names were added to the original   voters list,which now consisted of 299 voters,instead of the 292 registered voters,the villagers strongly opposed the addition of these 7 names to the voters list  who were all cousins for one of the contesting candidate and  did not belong to Capoey.This move was to break the tie in favor of the person who is working with the regional democratic council  in  region two through the Amerindian Communities, and who is also a close friend of the returning officer who has conducted the election. These were sentiments aired by the disgruntle voters of Capoey lake.

The returning officer proceed and allowed  the 7 voters to cast their votes  although the 2006  Act prohibited them from doing so,the only way people are allowed to vote at these elections is if they are on study leave,seeking medical treatment and employment opportunities outside of the village for 3 years and over,one source told me that without rigging,the candidate who is working with the RDC could not have won the captaincy and at the moment the village is split in two half.The distructive course of holding on to power by corrupt means,the returning officer has completely destroyed the foundations of democracy.

According to the people in Capoey lake,village captain elections in Guyana have ceased to be based on the standard principle of ‘one man,one vote’or on the practice that each voter exercise his franchise by direct voting.The Amerindian Act of 2006,is likely to be lifeless if it is seen by the people as an instrument to be operated by others while their only role is limited,they may criticize the returning officer action for allowing these 7 voters who were added to the list at the last moment,but they do so as spectators.

They are calling on minister of Amerindian Communities Mr Allicock to launch an early investigation into the behavior of the returning officer and the result of the election urgently.

Yours faithfully

Mohamed Khan

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