April 21, 2015, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia - Nova Scotia RCMP, with assistance from numerous national and international police agencies, has made several arrests and laid multiple charges in relation to a two-year international drug trafficking investigation with ties to Colombian and Mexican drug cartels.
During the spring of 2013, the RCMP Federal Serious & Organized Crime Unit began a drug investigation that uncovered eight conspiracies to import cocaine into Canada from a number of countries including Antigua, Brazil, Colombia, Guyana and the United States. In addition, there were four investigations into trafficking of cocaine and one investigation into trafficking in firearms.
Over the course of the investigation, vehicles, firearms, drug paraphernalia, cash and over 200 kgs of cocaine were seized and 15 individuals are facing 45 charges.
'These arrests represent a milestone in our fight against transnational crime in Canada,' says D/Commr. Mike Cabana, Federal Policing. 'By capitalizing on major investigations such as this one, we aim to make it increasingly difficult for criminals to make crime profitable.'
The following individuals have been charged:
Steven Tello, 35, Toronto, ON
- Conspiracy to Import Cocaine x 4
- Trafficking Cocaine x 2
Scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice Old City Hall, April 23rd, 2015.
Mathew Thomas Fleming, 35, Maple, ON
- Conspiracy to Import Cocaine x 4
- Trafficking Cocaine
- Trafficking in Firearms
Scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice Old City Hall, April 23rd, 2015.
Gary Christopher Meister, 60, Bedford, NS
- Conspiracy to Import Cocaine x 2
- Conspiracy to Traffic Cocaine x 2
Scheduled to appear at Palais de justice de Montréal on April 21st, 2015.
Michael Costa, 30, Vaughan, ON
- Conspiracy to Import Cocaine
- Trafficking Cocaine
Remanded into custody. Toronto court date to be determined.
Philipos Kollaros, 35, Montreal, QC
- Conspiracy to Import Cocaine x2
- Conspiracy to Traffic x2
Scheduled to appear at Palais de justice Montréal April 22nd, 2015.
Bayon David Figueoa Escobar, 36, Montreal, QC
- Trafficking Cocaine
Scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice Old City Hall, April 23rd, 2015.
Stephen Alexander Fleming, 33, Halifax, NS
- Conspiracy to Import Cocaine
- Conspiracy to Traffic Cocaine
Scheduled to appear at Palais de justice Montréal April 22nd, 2015.
Delbert William Meister, 69, Halifax, NS
Darlene Margaret Richards, 54, Greenwood, NS
Each charged with:
- Conspiracy to Import Cocaine x2
- Conspiracy to Traffic Cocaine x2
Both remanded into custody. Montreal court date to be determined.
Bassam Kassel Elouta, 35, Richmond Hill, ON
- Conspiracy to Import Cocaine
Arrest warrant issued.
Ryan James Wedding, 33, Montreal, QC
- Conspiracy to Import Cocaine x2
- Conspiracy to Traffic x2
- Trafficking in Cocaine
Arrest warrant issued.
Normand Joseph Pomerleau, 64, Montreal, QC
- Conspiracy to Import Cocaine
- Conspiracy to Traffic Cocaine
Arrest warrant issued.
Michael Charles Dibben, 60, Montreal, QC
- Conspiracy to Import Cocaine x2
Arrest warrant issued.
Edouard Semmikian, 61, Montreal, QC
Alyas Rahimi, 28, Toronto, ON
Each charged with:
- Conspiracy to Import Cocaine
Arrest warrants issued.
For further investigative details, visit Operation Harrington. For a full list of partners involved, visit Operation Harrington assisting agencies.
Cpl. Angela Corscadden
Media Relations Officer
Nova Scotia RCMP
Cell: (902) 222-0154
angela.corscadden @rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Link to article: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ns/news-nouvelles/releases-communiques/15-04-21-134455-eng.htm?fe