America, our Republic is for the very first time threatened by its elected officials
This great United States of America is gravely threatened by several enemies but none so dangerous as the enemies that seek to hold our economy and citizens hostage.
Remembering September 11th 2001 and those who died.
As we remember the events of September 11 2001, we shall never forget all who lost their lives; the immediate victims, the first responders, the ensuing victims, and the emotional toll on the survivors and the families of the victims.
Singapore - A Country Study - A Must Read For The Citizens of Every Post Colonial Nation
Singapore - A Country Study is a look at the development of Singapore and how it rose to become the economic giant of Asia in two generations.
Every citizen of every post-colonial country must digest its contents to understand what it takes to build a vibrant nation, and use their knowledge to hold their governments accountable.
Happy 80th Birthday to Mr. Vibert Parvatan
The staff of Guyana Graphic wishes Mr. Vibert Parvatan a Happy 80th Birhtday.
Mr. Parvatan, retired Executive Director of the Laparkan Group of Companies in Guyana also served as a Minister of Government (Technocrat) and non-elected Member of Parliament during the structural adjustment period for six (6) years - 1986 to 1992.
Miles Williams: Corporate Jet Captain, GDF Special Forces Officer, Paratrooper, Adventurer, Off Road Enthusiast and much more.
Miles Williams celebrated his birthday on Friday May 7, 2013, his friend, former co-worker and employer Gerry Gouveia paid the follow tribute to him.
President Jacob Zuma, the people of South Africa and the OR Tambo Award for Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham
Earlier this spring, the South African government announced that it was presenting the O R Tambo Award posthumously to former President of Guyana Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham. The prestigious award is given to foreign citizens who have promoted South African interests and aspirations through co-operation, solidarity, and support.
Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham - His contribution to the Liberation of South Africa by Halim Majeed Former Political Adviser to President Burnham
His Excellency Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham was elected Prime Minister of the Republic of Guyana, formerly British Guiana, in December 1964. Following a change in the National Constitution in 1980, he was designated Executive President and Head of State.
Missionary Aviation in the 60's - Wings Over Guyana
The American missionaries who came to serve the people of Guyana were faced with many challenges. My parents came in 1960 and stayed until 1966. In those days, the runway at Paramakutoi Village in the Roraima Mountains where we lived, was not paved. In fact, there were no paved interior runways.
8R-GFN Crashed in the Mountains near Mahdia Killing Vickram Nandan and 2 others
Date: 06 JAN 2001
Type: Britten-Norman BN-2A-2 Islander
Operator: Guyana Defence Force
Registration: 8R-GFN
MSN: 289
Aubrey Mann: Singer, Songwriter, Producer, Director, Businessman
Aubrey Mann, singer, songwriter, producer, director, businessman was born in Georgetown, British Guiana now Guyana. Aubrey was raised by his mother “Sheila Mansfield-Grenardo” one of the nation’s top sopranos with several music awards to her credit, the most prestigious being the “Medal of Service” the highest honor a civilian could receive.