
Inducements to the Colored People of the United States to emigrate to British Guiana


A little-known fact of the historic connection between Baltimore Maryland USA and British Guiana is described in a document titled, "INDUCEMENTS TO THE COLORED PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES TO EMIGRATE TO BRITISH GUIANA" - Published in 1840.

Report of free Coloured People of Baltimore visit to British Guiana and the Island of Trinidad in January 1840.

Report of the visit of Peck and Price to Guiana and Trinidad

A little-known fact of the historic connection between Baltimore Maryland USA and British Guiana.

Below is a report by Messrs Nathanial Peck and Thomas S. Price who were appointed at a meeting of the free colored people of Baltimore that was held on November 25, 1839, to determine the advantages to be derived by Colored People migrating to British Guiana and Trinidad.

Leslie Arlington Dennis Grant, PE (June 21, 1942 - May 10, 2011)

Leslie Grant

Leslie Arlington Dennis Grant (Leslie Grant) was born on June 21, 1942 in New Amsterdam, Berbice, Guyana. He was the second of six children born to the late William and Harriet Grant of Mackenzie, Demerara River. Please click on the object below to read more.

Peace Not War - Vibert Parvatan

Vibert Parvatan

I recall sometime ago reading a statement that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

That interesting observation came to mind as I considered the various comments made by World Leaders in relation to action planned and taken while justifying in a logical way, their good intentions.

Mrs. Joyce Hoyte - Vibert Parvatan

Vibert Parvatan

I am saddened and shocked at the sudden passing of Mrs. Joyce Hoyte, former First Lady of Guyana.

Denis J. I. Williams: 1923-1998 - Painter, Author & Archaeologist - by Betty J. Meggers

Dennis Williams with Ms. Lynette Dolphin in Glasses

The unanticipated death of Denis Williams after a short bout with cancer deprived Guyana of a remarkably versatile native son.

His early promise as a painter won him a two-year British Council scholarship to the Camberwell School of Art in London in 1946. He remained in London during the following decade, during which he taught fine art and held several one-man shows of his work.

Petition to Microsoft Corporation and the Producers of the Bing Maps

Microsoft/Bing Map of Guyana

The map you see to your left is published by Microsoft on its Bing Maps. It shows Guyana's internationally recognized borders with some ambiguity. We need to get this corrected as quickly as possible and the publisher needs to hear from you.

People's Temple Jonestown Guyana

Jonestown bodies

Jonestown was a settlement established in Guyana in the 1970s by the Peoples Temple, a cult led by Reverend Jim Jones. Although Jonestown was originally founded as a paradise, it has since become famous for the mass murder-suicide of its residents, which occurred on November 18, 1978

The unsolved murder of Monica Reece. Who is investigating?

A reprint from the Stabroek News of April 09, 2003

Guyana Goldfields to sell non-core assets

Guyana Gold

Canada's gold exploration company Guyana Goldfields Inc (GUY.TO) said it plans to sell non-core assets in order to focus on its key mines, the Aurora project and the Aranka properties in Guyana.

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