Why the Sledgehammer Approach to Law enforcement is not the Answer

Law Enforcement

I love it when law enforcement can gain the full support of the general public. Three of my four brothers, my father and one of my uncles were in law enforcement. I worked for several years supporting four jurisdictions in their efforts.

All policing agencies must do everything in their powers to ensure that the right amount of force is used in every interaction with the public. A sledgehammer approach creates an ever escalating loss of confidence that for now, exists in only some communities, but will only but spread nationwide creating a society that we are accustomed to reading about in oppressive regimes overseas.

I live a small community and on the rare occasion someone appears to have broken the law I have called our local police officers and they have always approached and dealt with the issue in a professional manner. I also constantly encourage all neighbors, especially the elderly and females to solicit the help of the authorities if they perceive something out of the norm. All citizens from every community should have the confidence in their police organizations to do the same, and not be fearful of the result from the interaction.

I believe in the mission of law enforcement but if at any time a rogue cop is discovered in the ranks he/she must be immediately removed and if they have broken the law, they must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and must not be protected by the “Thin Blue Line”.

For law enforcement to win the battle for America we all must be protecting each other from those whose intention is to cause us harm.

Keeping America safe is a joint effort between citizens and representatives of the government. Finesse and an ability to approach each interaction with that measured response and not use a sledgehammer will go a long way to restoring and maintaining the balance of respect and cooperation that communities of all races and economic standing deserve.

Our greatest asset is our people, If they are disenfranchised, ostracized, underdeveloped, incarcerated or dead we all pay the price.

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