Columns & Blogs

Visit to Guyana

Annetha M. Hall & Ian G. Hall in Guyana

We (Annetha and I) are almost at the end of a brilliant trip to Guyana. It started out for me as an opportunity to attend a family wedding and to see relatives, some of whom I had never met and others not seen in over 38 years.

Delta Airlines - Bait and Switch?

I want to share an experience I had earlier this week with Delta Airlines. I needed to book one-way fares in the US for my parents. They were traveling from Miami to Atlanta following a Georgetown, Guyana to Miami flight. The desired flight was scheduled for 7 p.m. (EST) on November 14, 2015.

Google Street View Takes the Visitor Through Store in Ilford, London, UK

Google Street View Takes the Visitor Through Store in Ilford, London, UK

Looking up my old hometown in the UK and attempting to walk the route from my place to the train station using Google walkabout, I discovered that the Google street cam took the viewer through the CEX “Entertainment Exchange” store on Ilford High Road (in what used to be Essex in 1978).

Musing – Walking-up at the Drive-thru


While out on an errand I visited my local MacDonald’s for my quarterly infusion of guilty pleasures.

I placed my order at the drive up location and was told to proceed to window 1 where I paid for my purchase.  With one vehicle ahead of me at the food pick up line, I began the slow roll towards the second window and then stopped.

The Guyanese Spring

Crowd at the APNU/AFC rally

Spring appears to be in the air in Guyana. Not the spring of the northern climates ushering in warmer weather and a greening of the landscape, and not the “Arab Spring” with its attendant violence. Spring in Guyana is defined by the unification of the opposition leaders and through that unity, the revival of the Guyanese vision of a better future of peace, harmony and prosperity for all Guyanese now, and in the future.


The Mango Tree by  Hugh Allan Yearwood, Bumbury Ameriandian Settlement, Mabaruma, Guyana

“I am, more importantly however, a permanent resident of the human race and no matter where I go, I’d like to think that I will always belong.” Says Tricia Yearwood in her article, "What It Means To Be A Guyanese Emigrant"

The Secret Side of Guyana

Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Georgetown, Guyana
<p>&nbsp;I was always sorry to be leave Georgetown. Somehow, the city had created the illusion of familiarity. Within a few weeks I&rsquo;d acquired somewhere to live and a few friends, and I had a rough idea of where everything was.

Why the Sledgehammer Approach to Law enforcement is not the Answer

Law Enforcement

I love it when law enforcement can gain the full support of the general public. Three of my four brothers, my father and one of my uncles were in law enforcement. I worked for several years supporting four jurisdictions in their efforts.

Guyana, and its Plague of Jaguars

Jaguar skins hanging up in a ranch in the southern savannahs

 This is a sad sight, a row of jaguar skins, hanging up in a ranch in the southern savannahs. No-one likes to see big cats killed, especially when they're listed as endangered.

How can a place like Guyana keep itself safe?

Mabaruma Police Station and Magistrate Court

This is the little police station in Mabaruma, in NW Guyana. Near the border with Venezuela, this town is relatively peaceful, and the police didn't seem to have a great deal to do. But it was still a skeletal service; the officers' uniforms were old, and the badges held on with safety pins.

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