Columns & Blogs

Little known facts about Guyana

Georgetown, from the verandah of the Law Courts

Here are a few things that not even the Guyanese know about Guyana:

1. Georgetown (see picture) sits at around the same latitude as Sri Lanka. Both places were former Dutch colonies, and both became British possessions after the Napoleonic War.

Word for today is Stereotype

Do Not

The word for today is "stereotype", meaning:
1. A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
2. To believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same.

Guyana and the Germans

John Gimlette's "Wild Coast"

Negotiations are on foot for the translation of my book, 'Wild Coast', into German. As it happens, two of the country's greatest explorers happen to have been German.

The Labrador-Guyana connection - The early explorers

Wyapoko (now Oyapok) river, in what is now French Guiana (Guyane).

As far as I know, there was only one adventurer who visited both Guiana (as it was) and Newfoundland during the age of discovery.

The Labrador-Guyana connection - World War II

Essequibo River

During the Second World War, both places became part of defence network designed to safeguard the USA. It all began on 2 September 1940, when Washington signed the ‘Destroyers for Bases Agreement’, under which it would provide Britain with fifty WWI-vintage destroyers in return for a foothold in her colonies.

The Labrador-Guyana connection: Molasses

Wales Sugar Estate factory, Guyana

This is the Wales Sugar Estate factory, near Georgetown, Guyana. The smell of boiling sugar cane is overwhelming, and - in the short term - delicious. One of the by-products, bubbling away, is molasses.

The Labrador-Guyana connection: Slavery

Picture of the white slaves, taken, Dr Eliot Curwen

In these posts I have often written about written about the horrors of slavery in the Guianas. What is less well-known is the form of slavery that existed at the same time among white people up in Labrador. Some may be unhappy with the comparison, and, it's true, the Labradorians didn't arrive in chains, were notionally free to leave whenever they wanted.

The Labrador-Guyana connection

Battle Harbour Labrador, Canada

What is the connection between chilly Labrador (in Canada), and the steamy tropical world of Guyana? Well, more than you'd imagine. I'll be exploring their shared history over the next few posts.

Stop Racism

No to Racism

Racism is like cancer, the remedy can be painful, but if not treated early, can kill the entire body. We have the option, early treatment, or early death. IGH

The movie "12 years a slave" compared to the experience of Guyana and Suriname - Part 12

Statue of Coffey (Cuffy) in Georgetown, Guyana

SLAVERY'S LEGACY. In this series comparing the movie '12 Years a Slave' with the experience of Guyana and Suriname. In the film, there is no end in sight for slavery, no redemption and no justice.

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