Columns & Blogs

Word for Today is Consolidation


Word for today is Consolidation.
Unification, solidification, strengthening, union of two or more.
Consolidation of principals, efforts and/or beliefs.

E.g. United States, European Union, CARICOM, UNSAR, NATO.

To succeed we must consolidate the resources of the family(s), group(s), organization(s), countries. IGH

Make us Proud

Make us proud

Do not share videos, images or any information that propagates a stereotype, you will only be messenger for the enemy of progress.

Only share the images or information you are proud of. IGH

Shakespeare and Guyana

Flag Island, Essequibo, Guyana

Today is the bard's 450th birthday. Had he ever heard of South America's 'Wild Coast'?

Undoubtedly, yes. In 1595, when Shakespeare was aged 31, and at the height of his creative powers, Sir Walter Raleigh published his great prospectus, "The Discoverie of the Large, Rich and Bewtiful Empire of Guiana".

The old New Amsterdam Hospital

The old New Amsterdam Hospital

Here is one of my favourite buildings in Guyana; the old hospital in New Amsterdam. Sadly, it was pulled down a few months after I took this photograph, but here is what I wrote about it in 'Wild Coast':-

What the famous have said about Georgetown (Guyana)

Parliment Buildings on the corner of Avenue of the Republic

Here are a few quotes from well-known writers, not all of them flattering (Meanwhile my photo shows The 'Avenue of the Republic'):

Disappearing aeroplanes and Guyana

Port Kaituma airstrip

The mystery over the missing Malaysian jet has everyone thinking about air travel. Here are a few facts from Guyana's aviation story:

Books on Guyana and the Berbice Revolt

Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology, Georgetown, Guyana

I have been asked for a list of good source material. Sadly, some of the books below are long out of print (I found them in the British Library) but a few of them might be available on Here's the list:

Media Pundits and “experts” on the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370


In the coverage of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 by the media and the resident “experts”,  I am appalled at the insinuations and character assassinations of the cockpit crew.

Giants of the Guianas

The giant otter of the Guianas

The region - which includes Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana - is one of the most pristine and unspoilt in the world. Small wonder that a few giants have survived, including:-

Who's Bad

Beware Justice Ahead

My greatest fear is not the bad guy with the gun, but the “good guy” who hides behind the law to perpetrate “dirty deeds.” IGH

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