What the famous have said about Georgetown (Guyana)

Parliment Buildings on the corner of Avenue of the Republic

Here are a few quotes from well-known writers, not all of them flattering (Meanwhile my photo shows The 'Avenue of the Republic'):

  1. ‘Despite its shortcomings and the marring effect of lawlessness and banditry, Georgetown is a city of undeniable character, unique attraction and indefinable charm’ (James Rodway , "Guiana" 1912)
  2. 'The number of children in Georgetown is frightening.' (VS Naipaul , "Middle Passage" 1962)
  3. ‘There was plenty going on in Georgetown that week. An unknown Dutchman shot himself on Christmas morning in his room at a rival hotel, on account of feeling lonely.’ (Evelyn Waugh , "92 Days", 1933)
  4. 'In Georgetown, all macaws are called Robert' (Gerald Durrell, "Three Singles to Adventure", 1964)
  5. 'In another hour the van reached Georgetown's central bazaar. The air tasted of exhaust. Eager men took turns to force the arriving passengers into alleyways. I stepped over the wide canals full of velvety sludge and green tadpoles' (Marc Herman "Searching for El Dorado", 2002).
  6. 'Georgetown and its inhabitants looked derelict ... I began to feel that the city itself was rotting away slowly in the suffocating heat' (Shiva Naipaul, "Journey to Nowhere" 1980)

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