Media Pundits and “experts” on the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370


In the coverage of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 by the media and the resident “experts”,  I am appalled at the insinuations and character assassinations of the cockpit crew.

Who's Bad

Beware Justice Ahead

My greatest fear is not the bad guy with the gun, but the “good guy” who hides behind the law to perpetrate “dirty deeds.” IGH

Word for today is Stereotype

Do Not

The word for today is "stereotype", meaning:
1. A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
2. To believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same.

Stop Racism

No to Racism

Racism is like cancer, the remedy can be painful, but if not treated early, can kill the entire body. We have the option, early treatment, or early death. IGH

Growing up in Guyana and the use of "Lyrics" from songs

I've Got a Lot to Offer Darling" by Johnny Nash

As a teenager growing up in Guyana I listened to music from almost every genre. Many of the lyrics from those songs of that time were used to "chat up" the young ladies with varying degrees of success.

Advertising from 1966

Evans Pharmacy

Advertising posted in Guyana Graphic Newspaper in January 1966.

These were popular institutions of that era.

The cost of going to the cinema was
Stalls (aka pit) - $0.40
House - $0.90
Balcony - $1.50
Box - $1.75

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