Kurupakari, Region 10, Upper Demerara-Berbice

Kurupakari, Region 10, Upper Demerara-Berbice

A story in the stones. This is Kurupakari, where Guyana's old cattle trail once crossed the Essequibo River. It was here I decided to break my journey for a few nights, at Iwokrama (or ‘Monster Worm’ in one translation. The name relates to an Amerindian legend).

Mankind has probably been here for almost 6,000 years. Down amongst the waterfalls are the comments of some of Iwokrama’s earliest visitors, gouged in the rock. I’m no reader of runes and glyphs but I've always imagined that they say something like ‘nice water’. Or ‘Big fish’? Or ‘occasional famines’? I can also see plenty of little fat things with short legs. No doubt about that one: 'good grub here'.

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