Linden Update - July 22, 2012

The situation now: Road to Amelia's Ward and branch roads again blocked by residents and are impassable

So they ask "why are Lindeners blocking the roads?" Ok, I've been getting this question left right and center, so let me try to put it to rest. This is my OPINION, I may be wrong, or the people may be wrong, but to me the reasoning is sound and has been proven out.

Linden is literally the heart of Guyana, almost everything going and coming between the capital and the interior passes through Linden. During the last protest action when the bridge was blocked, the repercussions were felt all the way to the international stock market and affected the price of gold. Now that the residents are not being allowed to block the BRIDGE, they resort to blocking the access roads, achieving virtually the same effect. Therefore, block the access, it affects ALL of Guyana and major businesses and forces the government to listen to you. That is the apparent reasoning and from the President's Press Conference last evening, it is working.

Meeting ends, a synopsis of the content as articulated by the Regional Chairman is that the list of demands on the government has more than doubled due to recent occurrences including the shooting, the protest continues until these demands are met and the people were urged to stay mobilised Leon Martin Roberts:
My posting will not be extended or interactive tonight peeps, my body is crying for SLEEP so I'm taking an early night. Please stay safe and may God protect and bless you all...

At the bridge nodding my head to the sound of chorus singing and drums. Its a warm peaceful atmosphere sort of an open air church service. The congregation comprises of just over a thousand residents approximately 10% of the original croud.

Confirmed: BOSAI officials confirm that unless the power generation facility is re-supplied with fuel, power generation in Linden will grind to a halt. They have negotiated the clearing of the block at the Kara Kara Bridge to allow fuel tankers to go to Georgetown for fuel, however residents are replacing the blockage right now, saying it will be again removed to allow the tankers back into Linden.

On location at the Kara Kara Bridge: residents have agreed to allow the fuel tanker to pass into Linden to supply the power plant, and are mobilising to remove the blockages to allow this. Residents have however committed to immediately replacing the blockages after the fuel tanker passes and are asking that additional fuel be brought in by river.

I am now leading the fuel tanker from the Kara Kara bridge to the power plant, only my vehicle and the tanker is being allowed to pass Leon Martin Roberts:
Fuel delivered to power and residence agreed further

Sorry for the incorrect spelling of residents in my last post, I asked someone to type for me since I was driving in front of the fuel tanker Leon Martin Roberts:
I have just settled to rest after accompanying a fuel tanker into the Linden Power Company compound to resupply that facility. The vehicle I am driving was the only vehicle allowed by residents to pass through the blockades, in return for providing them transportation to remove, and immediately replace the blockages. I was struck by the spirit of cooperation between the residents, the security forces and the BOSAI officials in this endeavour, especially since no security escort was necessary to achieve this, indeed, only Assistant Commissioner Gavin Primo's car and one other police car came with us so that further arrangements of this nature, if necessary, could be discussed. A cordial agreement on this point was reached, since residents are adamant that they do not want a situation where the electrical power goes and criminal elements are afforded the chance to do mischief, harming the legitimate struggle. I have also heard numerous affirmations from residents that ALL thieves will be apprehended and handed over to the police, but they refuse to vouch for the condition in which said thieves would be handed over. I close by including a personal appeal for continued restraint on both parts until the situation is resolved.

Blockage at the Kara Kara Bridge grows larger, MUCH larger, and is being fortified continuously...tent erected for planned all night vigil to ensure blockage is not

URGENT UPDATE: Minibus driver and facilitator of the passage of of the fuel tanker to resupply the Linden Power Station earlier identified only as Collis was reportedly beaten about 45 minutes ago by the Inspector of the Black Clothes police in Linden and other ranks with their guns and helmets at the back road leading from Kara Kara to Amelia's Ward. Collis was rescued by the arrival on the scene of the new Police Commander in Linden, Assistant Commissioner Gavin Primo and the BOSAI Logistics Officer who is also Chairman of the Linden Station Management Committee. Upon hearing the commander was approaching, the Black Clothes Inspector shouted f?!k Primo. Collis is now at the Mackenzie Police Station providing a statement, but has reported that he got back his phone which he lost in the scuffle, but not around $5, 000 which he had in his possession

Putting up for the next five minutes a picture of injured minibus driver Collis Hall showing injuries he sustained at the hands of the black clothes police as my display picture...

Linden has been without electrical power for over a half an hour now, even though what was reported to be more than 37,000 gallons of fuel was delivered directly to the Linden Power Station earlier today. Residents had worked vigorously to move road blocks to allow for the delivery of fuel to avert this very occurrence of blackout, since they did not want to give criminal elements the cover of darkness to do mischief.

I have been informed that the current power outage is as a result of a 'communication failure' between the generating sets at the BOSAI Linden Power Station. According to BOSAI officials, the sets are not synchronising, but they are working to resolve the problem as soon as is possible, and LECI officials are said to be on standby to put the power back on as soon as the generating problems are solved.

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