Linden Update - July 24, 2012

Regional Chairman Sharma Solomon met with President Donald Ramoutar today in Georgetown to discuss the protest in Linden. However no information suggesting a resolution to this issue is available, indeed all indications are that no resolution was arrived at. Again, as soon as I can CONFIRM any information I will post, so when you see no posts, know that I have no information to share.

Two helicopters, one blue and one yellow in colour, arrived in Linden about 45 minutes ago and landed in the Mackenzie Sports Club Ground. Eyewitnesses report that the yellow helicopter subsequently departed with a patient, identified as Ulric Michael Cameron, who was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Linden Hospital Complex after the shooting incident at the Wismar/Mackenzie bridge on Wednesday July 18, 2012 with gunshot wounds to his chest and has been on oxygen continuously since. He was said to have bullet wounds in the region of his heart and lungs, and has been transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital for further medical attention. The second helicopter departed Linden some 30 minutes after the first did. Regional Chairman Sharma Solomon confirmed that the transfer of critical patients was as a result of his negotiations with President Donald Ramoutar yesterday.
Supporters of the Linden protest picket the PPP/C Headquarters 'Freedom House' on Robb Street in Georgetown, Guyana (see pic on fb) Leon Martin Roberts:
One of the Lindeners shot by security forces at the Wismar/Mackenzie bridge Reuben 'Aligoon' Bowen has returned from Georgetown after being transferred for further treatment for gunshot wounds to his left leg and knee. Bowen remains adamant that he was shot by live rounds and has committed to rejoining Lindneners encamped on the Kara Kara bridge

Reliable hospital source refutes information on NCN, saying there is no shortage of oxygen at the Linden Hospital Complex, since 15 cylinders were received at the health institution yesterday.

BOSAI officials have confirmed that four full loads of fuel, or approximately 151, 200 gallons were delivered by tanker from the Sol bulk fuel storage facility at Christianburg, Wismar. Reports indicate that with normal demand for electricity inclusive of bauxite processing operations, the power generating plant utilises 94, 500 gallons of fuel per day. However, with the bauxite operations being shut down since Wednesday last, it is expected that the fuel delivered will last twice as long. Residents were again instrumental in facilitating the passage of the fuel tanker to ensure the delivery to the Linden Power Station through removal of barricades, however these were immediately replaced. Residents have also commited to facilitating the movement of ambulances and hearses as far as is practible, with one funeral for the late Donna Adolph-Monah, taking place today without incident. Aaron Singh, another resident who died before the protest in an accident, is expected to be laid to rest at the Bamia Cemetery tomorrow.

Residents of Blueberry Hill and adjoining communities have reported being without a supply of potable water since Sunday July 22nd, but reports from GWI officials indicate that this is as a result of the collapse of a utility pole along the road leading to the Wisroc Water Treatment Plant. This situation necessitated the intervention of personnel of personnel from the L.U.S.C.S.L., with this service being reportedly restored at approximately 16:30hrs today.

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