Government & Politics

People’s Progressive Party issues apology for calling murdered teenager a criminal

Shaquelle Grant

Earlier today the mother of murdered teenager Shaquelle Grant called on the People's Progressive Party to apologize for calling her son a criminal. She reminded everyone that her son was never convicted of any crime nor was he ever wanted by the police for any offense.

Blue CAPS Endorses IACHR Measures - Press Release

Guyana's Attorney-General Anil Nandlall

Blue CAPS has taken notice and endorses the recommended precautionary measures from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) regarding the circumstances surrounding the taping of a telephone conversation between Attorney General Anil Nandlall and Leonard Gildarie, Kaieteur News journalist.

Guyanese Wayne Forde counters the PPP Government’s claim of Guyana’s progress.

Mr. Wayne Forde

Mr. Wayne Forde, a Guyanese-American who is passionate about the socio-economic conditions in his homeland, produced another video challenging the PPP’s claim of the progress they have made in Guyana.

Guyana Trades Union Congress' Press Release on the flood

Guyana Flood 2014

The Guyana Trades Union Congress is fed-up with what is passing for governance and calls on the citizens/workers/electorate to register their disgust with the current management of the affairs of state. The continuous lost and inconvenience caused by floodwater incurred through rainfalls or high tides is a toll that carries deep psychological, health and economic casualties.

Statement of the OAS Secretary General on the Prorogation of Parliament in Guyana

Organization of American States (OAS)

November 11, 2014 - The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Jose Miguel Insulza, took note of Proclamation No.

The PPP’s Suspension of Parliament: Hate is your Reward for our Love - Dr. David Hinds

Dr. David Hinds

If Guyanese and the world had any doubt about the dictatorial orientation and nature of the current PPP regime, I hope the President’s use of the heavy hammer to pound all of us would erase such doubts. Today we rightfully mourn another death blow to our right to be free people in a free Guyana. But, let’s be real—We look fuh that.

Protesters outside Parliament Buildings in a peaceful demonstration

Protesters outside Parliament Buildings in a peaceful demonstration

Earlier today President Donald Ramotar decided to prorogue Parliament when faced with the No Confidence Motion brought against the Administration by the Alliance For Change (AFC) and supported by the APNU

President Ramotar insults the People of Guyana - APNU Press Release

APNU supporters in a peaceful protest outside the Office of the President

President Donald Ramotar’s dreadful broadcast to the nation last Tuesday evening was the nadir of his troubled three-year tenure of office. It was an insult to the people of Guyana. It was an affront to the nation. It was a threat to paralyze the parliamentary process and smother the voices of their legitimate representatives in the National Assembly.

President’s announcement reveals devious nature of the PPP - APNU Press Statement

Alliance for Change

President Donald Ramotar’s announcement that he would prorogue parliament rather than face the AFC’s No Confidence Motion is disingenuous, cunning and shows that the PPP will resort to any devious method to extend their minority rule for as long as possible.

Attorney General’s despicable conduct - Guyana Trades Union Congress Press Statement

The GTUC condemns in the strongest possible term the content of Attorney General (AG) Anil Nandlall’s recorded conversation with a media reporter.

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