
A perfect storm – The radio broacast licences By Dr Arif Bulkan

Dr Arif Bulkan

The forced disclosure of the Prime Minister that on the eve of demitting office in November 2011, former President Jagdeo issued ten radio broadcast licences in his discretion, brings to mind the concept of a ‘perfect storm’. This refers to a natural phenomenon whereby a series of aggravating circumstances combine to produce one monster event.

United States Embassy Georgetown, Guyana Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Flood Warning May 15, 2013

The U.S. Embassy in Guyana cautions U.S. citizens to be alert to the possibility of flooding in low-lying coastal areas. Due to continued high tides, the Guyana Ministry of Public Works has issued a flood warning, effective May 22, 2013 until May 30, 2013. If you live in low-lying coastal areas or plan to travel there, please prepare accordingly and monitor the weather and local news reports.

New Initiative Launched to establish Online Presence For Linden Town Week

Linden Town Week

May 19, 2013 - LINDEN, Guyana -- The Guyana Jazz Festival Foundation Inc (a non profit), today announced it has launched a major initiative to develop an online presence for the Linden Town week.

Beaten To Death - Crime, Violence & Vigilante Justice In Guyana - By RealGuyana

Vigilante justice in Guyanaa

Last week a suspected thief was beaten to death by an angry mob of residents in Georgetown and 24 hours later another man was killed in almost identical circumstances.

U.S. Peace Corps Guyana reunion

Reunion group photo

U.S. Peace Corps Guyana had a reunion for volunteers who served in Guyana from 1966 to 1968. The turnout was huge and there was a display of souvenirs that were collected during that era. The attendees were treated to a 50th anniversary video that was made in-country.

Dumping The Dead - By RealGuyana

Dumping the dead

Since reading that thoroughly disturbing article in the news 2 weeks ago about the bodies being dumped in Le Repentir and finding out it's been happening for some time, well...we couldn't sleep until we knew more. So we visited, many times, we've sent made contact with the ministry of health and are still awaiting response, the assistant commissioner of police, Lyken Funeral Parlour and paid a visit to the Mayor and Councillors to ask a few questions.

Guyana - By The Washington Diplomat (A Sponsored Report)

The Washington Diplomat is an independent monthly newspaper with a readership of more than 120,000 that for more than 17 years has served as the flagship publication of the diplomatic community in Washington.

Real Guyana - 2013 - Celebrating 20 years of progress? - By RealGuyana

Real Guyana

If you're still arguing about what L.F.S Burnham did to Guyana and the state the PNC government left the country in 20years ago then this is for you. Put aside the glossy images of Kaieteur Falls, the jaguars and open savannah you see in the Tourist brochures, most Guyanese have never seen a jaguar in the wild and most can't afford to visit the waterfalls.

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham - His contribution to the Liberation of South Africa by Halim Majeed Former Political Adviser to President Burnham

At the time Prime Minister Burnham with Nigerian Ambassador, Chief S.O. Adebo

His Excellency Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham was elected Prime Minister of the Republic of Guyana, formerly British Guiana, in December 1964. Following a change in the National Constitution in 1980, he was designated Executive President and Head of State.

Seawall is battered by high tides in Guyana

High winds coupled with high spring tides are creating dangerous situations along the seawalls in Guyana. Video shows huge waves overtopping the seawall at Sheriff Street in Georgetown and the Government officials have advised persons to stay away.

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