
Fire destroys Linden home


A short while ago a fire broke out at a home located at 184 Wisroc Housing Scheme. The house occupied by the Johnson family was completely destroyed leaving 7 persons homeless.

The United States Embassy Georgetown, Guyana launched DEA Counternarcotics Training Course

Attendees at the launch of of DEA Counternarcotics Training Course

The United States Embassy had an Opening Ceremony to launch a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Counternarcotics Training Course today. During the Ceremony, U.S. Ambassador D. Brent Hardt delivered remarks and the Embassy handed over equipment to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Search of suitcase on New York bound flight yields cocaine

Cocaine in suitcase

During a search on aboard a New York-bound Cheddie Jagan International Airport CANU (Customs Anti Narcotics Unit) found roughly 60 pounds (27 kilograms) of cocaine, in a suitcase.

The suitcase was packed with 25 bricks of cocaine and is the latest in a string of cocaine-stuffed suitcases intercepted on flights to New York this year.

Guyana - Country Profile

Map of Guyana

Official Name: Co-operative Republic of Guyana formerly British Guiana

Independence: 26 May 1966 (from Britain)

President: His Excellency Mr. Donald Ramotar

Ph.D. candidate explores remote Guiana Shield

Lesley de Souza

August 5, 2011 - For the past several years, Lesley de Souza has focused her research efforts in a place so remote, it's nearly impossible to access: the Guiana Shield. A mountainous, forested region just north of Brazil, the Shield has no cities, cold drinks or showers.

Linden Crisis Continues

Fire in Linden

Breaking News Photos from Linden Crisis

Buxtonions Unveil Monument to the Victims of Extra-Judicial Killings since 1992 - Dr. David Hinds

On Friday, August 3 there will be an unveiling of a monument erected in Buxton to memorialize the more than 400 Guyanese who have died as a result of police action since 1992. The monument which is located opposite Tipperary Hall at Buxton Middle Walk is the brainchild of Buxtonion, Morris Wilson.

Pre-dawn fire destroys several businesses on Regent Street


Several businesses were engulfed in flames in a pre-dawn fire on Regent Street between Alexander and Camp streets

Linden Update - July 22, 2012

The situation now: Road to Amelia's Ward and branch roads again blocked by residents and are impassable

So they ask "why are Lindeners blocking the roads?" Ok, I've been getting this question left right and center, so let me try to put it to rest. This is my OPINION, I may be wrong, or the people may be wrong, but to me the reasoning is sound and has been proven out.

Linden Update - July 21, 2012

Residents bemoan that the government had no equipment to repair roads in Linden, but able to find equipment to clear road blocks

Crowd at Amelia's Ward builds, I estimate more than a thousand out on the highway strung out from Well Road to Kara Kara Bridge...

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