GuyMine's blog

Happening Now in Parliament

Situation Update
Leader of the Opposition David Granger moves the following motion: 'Condemn the killing of and the injury to several persons at Linden upper Demerara-Berbice Region, on Wednesday, 18th July 2012 and to demand the resignation of Hon. Clement Rohee MP Minister of Home Affairs.'

Linden Update - July 25, 2012

Breaking News:
Pathologist confirms all 3 of the Linden protestors who died were killed by gunshot wounds. Gunshot wounds to the back and chest areas. Bullets punctured lungs and hearts of three men. They also had gunshot wounds to the legs. Says metal fragments in bodies are consistent with bullets.

Linden Update - July 24, 2012

Regional Chairman Sharma Solomon met with President Donald Ramoutar today in Georgetown to discuss the protest in Linden. However no information suggesting a resolution to this issue is available, indeed all indications are that no resolution was arrived at. Again, as soon as I can CONFIRM any information I will post, so when you see no posts, know that I have no information to share.

Linden Update - July 23, 2012

Kara Kara Bridge still blocked @ 6:35 am Monday.

Security forces are called in after residents begin to collect items from the burnt out LINMINE Main Office building. Assistant Commissioner Gavin Primo is on site and reasoning with the persons gathered to facilitate an amicable end to the issue.

Linden Update - July 22, 2012

The situation now: Road to Amelia's Ward and branch roads again blocked by residents and are impassable

So they ask "why are Lindeners blocking the roads?" Ok, I've been getting this question left right and center, so let me try to put it to rest. This is my OPINION, I may be wrong, or the people may be wrong, but to me the reasoning is sound and has been proven out.

Linden Update - July 21, 2012

Residents bemoan that the government had no equipment to repair roads in Linden, but able to find equipment to clear road blocks

Crowd at Amelia's Ward builds, I estimate more than a thousand out on the highway strung out from Well Road to Kara Kara Bridge...

Linden Update - July 20, 2012

Happening right now: Residents move to block main artery road to Georgetown at the Kara Kara Bridge area with huge logs...reports of police using a bulldozer to clear blockages Leon Martin Roberts:

Police arrives on the scene at the top of the Amelia's Ward Hill...
Leon Martin Roberts:

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